Jun 22, 2015 8 Questions with: Jean Jullien
Jean Jullien is a French graphic designer who moved from London to New York. His work ranges from illustrations to videography, costumes, photography, and clothing. I caught myself chuckling while scrolling through his artwork because his work is easily relatable to the society we live in today. Get to know Jean a little better with this 8-question interview and also check out his awesome playlist in one of the questions.How did you get involved with art?
I’ve always drawn, and went to art school. I put my work online whilst studying and blogs and serendipity put it out there. I got jobs from that.
What does a typical day look like for you?
I move around a lot, so I don’t have much of a routine. I think routine is a silent killer. But when I’m home, I usually go to the studio in the morning, have a long day there made of working and playing around with my friends, then usually an aperitif (I’m French!) then home.
Where do you find inspiration and how it reflects your work?
I get inspired by everything around me. I observe things and people a lot, and it gives me idea for visual interpretations. A lot of it comes from a negative place, things that annoy me, and I use drawing as a positive therapy of some sorts, depicting that thing with humour and sharing it with people to start a conversation.
Is there a message to your artwork?
There are many thoughts on things, but not a message. That’d imply that I have a great wisdom to share, which I don’t. It’s more of a humble conversation with the viewer.
Is there an element of art you enjoy working with most? Why?
I try to focus on ideas rather than aesthetic, given the fact that my drawing skills are extremely limited. I use my brush stroke as a visual language, that can be applied to any sort of medium, be it textile, sculpture, furniture, etc… Diversity is what I enjoy most, I’d be very bored if I stuck to just drawing on paper I think.
What are you currently working on?
My next show in Paris opening the 22nd of June at Colette and the 23rd at l’Imprimerie!
What are you reading or listening to at the moment?
Marvel comics Secret Wars and listening to a lot of things, here’s a current playlist.
If you could give some advise to your teenage self, what would it be?
Keep calm and carry on.